About Me

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I love the back garden at my parents place, and I love the view from my London roof space, and I love waking up on the floor of a flat in LA, and you don't know any of these things.

Wednesday, 27 October 2010

"Yo creo que si vamos a cualquier sitio..llegamos a un sitio"
me recomforta :) 

 mmmm creo que le pediré el little blac dress más a menudo a francisquilla :D :D  
pd. me han tocado dos maravillosas entradas para ver a FRANZ FERDINAND.......a mi que nunca me toca nada!! jaja 

Tuesday, 26 October 2010

happy bday!

my bday rocked it nicely :D  
I'm feeling DULL and OLD. No fun this dayz.......on thursday I've got an other exam grrrrr
at uni is crap, it seems that things arent get any better...

Saturday, 9 October 2010

home home home

bank holiday until wed, so will be at my parent's home for a few dayz.....
Every man is a damn fool for at least five minutes every day! Wisdom consists in not exceeding the limit. ;)

pics from Wimbledon.

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

fear and loathing in las vegas

There was every reason to believe I was heading for trouble, that I'd pushed my luck a bit far. I'd abused every rule Vegas lived by burning the locals, abusing the tourists, terrifying the help. The only hope now, I felt, was the possibility that we'd gone to such excess, with our gig, that nobody in a position to bring the hammer down on us could possibly believe it . . . When you bring an act into this town, you want to bring it in heavy. Don't waste any time with cheap shucks and misdemeanors. Go straight for the jugular. Get right into felonies. The mentality of Las Vegas is so grossly atavistic that a really massive crime often slips by unrecognized.   

Im watching plenty of films lately :) 

 (views from my barcelona space)

today is another day to find you. 

Saturday, 2 October 2010

things to do today.

1) go to primark with my MANSIONmates. (haha) yeah, we live in a super mansion in the northest part of barcelona but we dont have enough money to buy decent clothes.
2) buy the ticket for...........ARCADE FIRE!!!!!!!!! 
3) manicure
4) finish reading the portrait of dorian grey (im taking to many days to finish this one......)
5) I promised to my friends today Im going to go to ribelinos with them.......and I hate this kind of places......gr where is the fucking indie in this city?????

....marta if you read this today remember that only god knows how I miss you............the university is fucking dull without you!

Friday, 24 September 2010

paris et plus PARIS

I came back from PARIS on sunday, I started the uni on monday and now is bank holiday in barcelona so I have my friday off.....I only need to rest!

Thursday, 2 September 2010


INSPIRATION FOR MY STUDY.......pictures from Cambridge!
these days I'll be working out to pass my microbiology exam.....5 days left......

Saturday, 28 August 2010

I should be at Reading Festival.....grrr

Yes, I'm laying at my bed (hanging over, I'm gettin used.....) and I'm regreting not to go to Reading Festival....Moreover I was invited.....but this is my last weekend in London so I wanted to be here, now I'm going to go to Portobello Market (it's SATURDAY!) to buy the last things..... 
vestido the new york laundry (5,99P Camden Lock Market), botas Marc by Marc Jacobs (290P Selfridges),entrada koko 0P, drinks 0P, que los djs de koko me desen una feliz vuelta a BARCELONA no tiene precio.... :D :D 

another one from The Stables (Camden Lock Market)
yes guys, it's nearly the end....(bea took this signal while we were walking to THE EGG, London's most famous after hours.....its shit but its ok to continue the party ^^)

Thursday, 26 August 2010


I really miss my partymate......oh Alice I'm not behaving like a party animal since you've gone!

the pictures have been taken in Camden (proud galleries and the Dublin Castle)

have a nice day XXX

Wednesday, 25 August 2010


I've been in love with Pete Doherty since I listened The Libertines for the first time on 2003 (yes, I was quite young!), then I started following Pete and I was a big fan of Babyshambles too. Yesterday I had the opportunity to see them in a private essay......I saw Pete a lots before in Barcelona and in FIB, always very good, but yesterday was completely amazing....and I talked with him too. He's got a lot of sense of humor and he is really nice....I won't say anything about his problem with drugs because I think it's not necessary to talk about that.

Monday, 23 August 2010



Sunday, 22 August 2010

Regent's Park

I need a long walk in Regent's Park...
Regents is in the north of the city, all you can do to go there is stop at picadilly circus (piccadilly line, the blue one) and start walking by Regent Street until Portland street, is all the time straigh ahead and then finally you arrive at my beloved park! There's an underground station called Regent's Park in Bakerloo line (the brown one) anyway If you are going to visit the city only for a few days its better to stop at picaddilly and see the enviorment of the city :) (moreover I dont like to stop in front of the place that I'm going to visit....I prefer walking a little bit and see places by my own)

Some pictures in Regent's Park.....today I'm going there to have a picnic with some friends! Every sunday we try to have a Picnic in one of the Royal Park, we always say that: TODAY IS GOING TO BE A HEALTHY PICNIC, althought we always have a "tasty" picnic haha

Saturday, 21 August 2010

never forget your ID!

koko's security guy: Id please.
M: my Id is in Spain babyyyy
koko's securty guy: how old are you?
M: twenty
koko's security guy: no you aren't, you look like seventeen.
M: thank you very much but I'm just twenty.
koko's security guy: go back to Spain and don't forget your Id anymore. 

Ayer tenia unas ganas de KOKO impresionantes....peroo me deje el ID en casa y como veis no pude entrar porque segun el segurata "I look like seventeen" una chica que estaba justo delante mio tampoco llevaba el ID y el segurata la dejo pasar xq le ensenno las canas y le dijo algo como: "ves, soy vieja!!" Quizas deberia darme unas mechas por si a caso......jaja
Al final fuimos a the dublin castle y a proud galleries...Aina no estaba para darlo todo y a las 5 ya estabamos durmiendo.....ni ravecilla por el este ni Fabric despues!
Hicimos un monton de videos, ya los colgare cuando me apetezca rebajarme un poco jaja (si, bebimos mucho!)

la loca de Aina se quiso ir cuando justo sonaba este temazo, vaya tia mas desconsiderada....

HOY ES MI ULTIMO DIA DE TRABAJO EN OXFORD STREET....trabajo en el Zara de Oxford Circus de Cashier....Es muy duro y cansa mucho, hasta ahora no sabía lo mucho que jode trabajar 9 HORAS...es mucho mejor estudiar que trabajar, ya tengo ganas de volver a la uni, comprarme las cositas que necesito, ver a mis compis....Tengo "algunas" recuperaciones y no estoy estudiando nada, pretendo estudiarmelo todo una semana antes, yo creo que si me pongo muy en serio podre :)
Yo y mi super hang over cogemos la picadilly line y nos vamos a central london a trabajar......

Friday, 20 August 2010

London: Camden Town.

Camden WAS my favourite place in London. It's very easy to go there, all you can do is take the Northern Line (the black one) and the station is called Camden Town (not very difficult at all...) but I suggest to you to stop at Mornigton Crescent because is there where the Camden High street begins. (in Mornigton Crescent there's my favourite place to party in the city....it's called KOKO and it reminds me l'Apolo de Barcelona :) )
The first time I was in London (5 years ago) the market was better than now...It sells nothing of substance at all, no authentic goods, no vintage clothes, no rare records (basically none of the things the world thinks it sells!) All it seels are Doc Martens! Don't buy any of the "vintage" dresses that you see...because you can find the SAME ones in Petticoat Lane Market (london east), and they are cheaper and exactly the same! Moreover in the night you have to avoid drug dealers and homeless begging money.....Once I was asked if I had MDMA...I was like "whaaaaaat?? Do I look like a drug dealer????!!"
The only think that I really love in Camden are the pubs...my favourite one is called THE HAWLEY ARMS, if you are lucky you can see Pete Doherty (my boyfriend) or Amy Winehouse partying hard....Last week I saw Amy Winehouse with her friend Mischa Barton enjoying a pint!
The Stables are nice too, are near the Regent's Canal, the place is called Camden Lock and they were a Stables a few years ago, nowadays there's PROUD CAMDEN GALLERIES inside, is the place where the best emerging bands and arstists play in the UK...are the real indie ones :D Moreover there's a huge exposition of rock band's pictures.
I suggest to you to go to THE DUBLIN CASTLE too, its cheap (3 pounds) and there's good music there!

Regent's Canal + Aina (my UGLY flatmate :P)  
Just on the right there's the Hawley Arms, on the left there's CYBERDOG, the strangest store in Camden...you are not allowed to take photos inside, But I did it :P 

I don't know how to describe CYBERDOG...it's like a futuristic frikie store...the first time I entered there I was really SCARED!

The Stables and Proud Camden Galleries (once I was with my PARTYMATE Alice jumping in the white sofas and losing all our dignity...I will upload the photos someday ^^)

London: The Hamptons & Bushy Park

(The Hampton Pool)  

B: the first person to ever go swimming must have been shitting his pants...
M: I bet he got gobbled up straight away
B: I think someone should pay homage to all those people who died for unnecessarily stupid things!
M: A statue and a painting for each haha
B: Like the first person who thought they could dry their hair in the bathtub, and dropped the hairdryer...
M: A bloody lazy one...
B: yeah but we don't have plugs in bathrooms anymore!  

(The Bushy Park and my beloved city) 
The Bushy Park is the second largest Park in the city, the first one is Hyde Park.