I need a long walk in Regent's Park...
Regents is in the north of the city, all you can do to go there is stop at picadilly circus (piccadilly line, the blue one) and start walking by Regent Street until Portland street, is all the time straigh ahead and then finally you arrive at my beloved park! There's an underground station called Regent's Park in Bakerloo line (the brown one) anyway If you are going to visit the city only for a few days its better to stop at picaddilly and see the enviorment of the city :) (moreover I dont like to stop in front of the place that I'm going to visit....I prefer walking a little bit and see places by my own)
A si? Que guay! Pues si, la mejor la fiesta de Londres!!!
tia jo estic a casa amb els nens..k els pares han marxat..no crec k fem res..estan tallan un arbre aki al costat i estan tots embobats miran! hahaha
ReplyDeletejo m'estic comprant robar per internet...odio l'internet i les pagines web de roba..son la meva perdició..ohgg..potse em cau el pel despres..en realitat em miro la roba i la mare de les nenes me l'encomana a la botiga pk no esta a españa..mol wai :D
kuan tornes a caseta¿ (bcn/lleida)